The Golden Gate Park windmills are survivors

Having been born in Holland, it was only a matter of time before I checked to see what images we have of the lovely windmills of Golden Gate Park. I’m old enough to remember their many years of disrepair and neglect, but I had no idea how much neglect, and how fortunate we are to have them at all. They are also a lot older than I would have imagined

Park commissioners, led by Reuben Lloyd, determined that a consistent, inexpensive source of water was needed for Golden Gate Park. The north windmill, known as the “Dutch Windmill,” was completed in 1903. Within a week, it was pumping 30,000 gallons of water a day to irrigate the western end of the park. The “Murphy Windmill” was built with a sizable donation from Samuel G. Murphy, president of First National Bank. Murphy is said to have called it a “partial payment for the pleasures derived during many years’ visits to the park.” Located in the southwest corner of the park, it was said to be the largest windmill in the world.

Negative pack dated April 10 1979 Photos of the North Windmill, also known as the Dutch Windmill and the Murphy Windmill in Golden Gate Park, in disrepair .. to be restored
Negative pack dated April 10 1979 Photos of the North Windmill, also known as the Dutch Windmill and the Murphy Windmill in Golden Gate Park, in disrepair .. to be restored Gary Fong/The Chronicle

By the 1930s, the windmills became more decorative than functional as electric pumps were used to procure water for irrigation. The inner workings were stripped out for the war effort in 1940, and by 1948, some serious work had to be done to the Murphy Windmill. The repairs included replacing the spar or main beam, which meant transporting a 114-foot beam from Eighth and Brannan by truck via Alemany Boulevard to the Great Highway. I found a negative pack covering this trip, and the photos are great.

By the 1960s, the windmills were in serious disrepair. Eleanor Rossi Crabtree, the daughter of former Mayor Angelo Rossi, spearheaded the Windmill Restoration Committee campaign. By the time she attended a ceremony on Nov. 14, 1981, that honored the restoration of the windmills, Crabtree had spoken to more than 400 civic groups and raised more than $200,000. Officers and enlisted men of the Naval Reserve Mobile Construction Battalion (Seabees) from Treasure Island had volunteered many hours to repair and reinstall the axles and gears in the windmills.

The windmills have undergone more repairs and renovations over the years. The most recent upgrade was the restoration of the 64-ton copper dome on the Murphy Windmill. The work was done by Verbij Hoogmade, a Dutch company that has been designing and building windmills since 1868. The dome was shipped to San Francisco and installed in 2011.

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Even though the windmills may be in their best shape in nearly a century, Chronicle staff writerKurtis Alexander’s 2014 story points out that there is more work to be done.

Bill Van Niekerken is the library director of The San Francisco Chronicle, where he has worked since 1985. In his weekly column, From the Archive, he explores the depths of The Chronicle's vast photography archive in search of interesting historical tales related to the city by the bay.
