Painting provides canvas for art of recovery

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Painter Tim Snyder found art after overcoming the loss of his partner and drug addiction.视频:旧金山纪事报

Tim Snyder is always busy creating. He walks around San Francisco wearing psychedelic shirts that he’s sewn together and bright accessories that he’s repurposed from vintage finds.

But what people don’t know is that Snyder hasn’t always been a ray of light. After losing his husband, Paul, to AIDS, Snyder went through a dark time in his life. He fell into drugs and alcohol throughout most of the 1990s and early 2000s and struggled to fill the void of his loss. It wasn’t until deciding that he “no longer wanted to live in the trauma” did Snyder get help.

On his journey to becoming sober, he began expressing himself through art. He was inspired by artists such as Vincent van Gogh and Alexander Calder. After briefly being interested in photography, Snyder found his passion for painting.

In his studio apartment in the Tenderloin, surrounded by his two cats, Snyder can get lost for hours working on a canvas. The quality of his tools doesn’t matter; he cares about the strokes and color. Snyder uses the brightest colors he can find because he wants to evoke happiness. He hopes his audience can see the playfulness of life and not dwell on the sadness.

After many struggles in his own life, Snyder seeks to inspire others to push their limits and be true to one’s self.

The Regulars is a photo and video column that offers a glimpse into the lives of ordinary people in the Bay Area, caught in routine activities of modern urban life.
